Kamis, 17 Mei 2018

Daily Activity Version English

Assalamualaikum wr wb

     Hello guys, today we meet again. How y'all doin ' guys? I hope you guys are fine. does not feel this is the last Sunday practice in semester 2. Well as usual I will tell about my activities on this day in the kitchen. I will begin the story of my departure to the campus. I am departing 12.15 pm hour along my friends Asmil and wahyu. Today I depart not as usually because we entered the month of Ramadan. so we came, so that power is not drained and biased withstand hunger and thirst.

      After I came, I prepare a complete clothing and equipment will I use in the kitchen. Hours 01.00 pm we go straight into the cold kitchen, we are all one line. And wait for incoming and senior lecturer. Shortly afterwards incoming senior and explained the menu to be made today. Today we enter Thailand food menu, so we discussed the menu for today. We are in for the group to work on the menu would be made today. I myself get Ghai menu tod Takrai.

       After that we prepare to prepare what materials the Walhalla will be in use and so is the tool that we will use in the Menu Tod Takrai Ghai. Ghai Tod Takrai originated in Thailand, the food menu is one of the mainstay of Thailand. This food is so popular in Thailand.  and today we held a joint event ngeliwet breaking the lecturer and also a Senior. We are breaking the fast with a menu of semester 2 and semester 4. and I also just now sells food products for breaking the fast. This is the story of my activities for a week, to meet at another time.

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Daily Activity OJT Gammara Hotel Makassar

Assalamualaikum wr wb       Saya tidak cukup 6 bulan training, saya training 5 bulan lebih. sebenarnya saya ingin mengahbiskan masa saya...