Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

Daily Activity MID Praktik Version English

Assalamualaikum wr wb

     Thank God today we meet again. As usual I will tell my activities while in laboratory kitchen poltekpar. But today a little different story, because this week is the practice of mid and today only some students who practice because we are in for some groups. My own group 3 and get the menu working on task rotation i. 2. but before the day we practice we have prepare materials used. So today we're just cutting, cooking.

     We started the day activities this morning, and in the open by lecturer Mr. Syahrial. Before we start, we explain the first section which we will do. I myself got the section working on Minestrone Soup. After we all finished describes rotation menu i. 2, we also welcome start. I immediately took the material and also a tool to be used. Once done, I cut the material, then satisfy the stock pot. And then cook it in accordance with the recipe that I see.

     While I cook, I occasionally help my friend who needs help. Then the Minestrone Soup Cook I simmer the reason so that the food came out with warm. Time shows it is no longer at lunch. My friend and the other started plating food. Because the soup does not use long time for plating, I helped a friend who worked on the main course. I help plating, after all finished foods are ready to serve. After the activity is finished we general cleaning. My story may be enough for this week, thank you've read. And see you again.

APPITIZER " Chicken Salad Hawaian "

SOUP "Minestrone "

MAIN COURSE " Beef Stew "

DIZERT " Yellow Butter Cake "

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Daily Activity OJT Gammara Hotel Makassar

Assalamualaikum wr wb       Saya tidak cukup 6 bulan training, saya training 5 bulan lebih. sebenarnya saya ingin mengahbiskan masa saya...