Senin, 20 Agustus 2018

Daily Aktivity Version English

Assalamualaikum wr wb

     Hallo guys, what is she? Yesterday was the week my practice and this time is no different because yesterday was my group to go to hotel Gammara for weekly training there. This is one of the programs of cooperation between poltekpar Gammara with hotels. We are the second group and we numbered ten men for to Gammara. I depart from the dorm to the hotel 07.00 pm hours Gammara. I leave for there own use my own motorcycle.

      After arriving there in our absence and then gathered in the room chef office. We were given a foreword and divided into some section that is in the kitchen Gammara. I get hot in the kitchen section. After us for we are also informed about the schedule for the hotel Gammara. After all clear we were told to get ready to do the job today. We put a full regular grooming is on the campus kitchen. Once everything is ready, we also based out of the office.

       After that we are led by senior one way to see the area of kitchen and also provide us with an explanation of the section in the kitchen Gammara. And also introduce the existing equipment in the kitchen of the hotel Gammara. After all understand we were told to go back to the section that has been determined. Today I was given the task of mocking buffet breakfast today. After it was all over we general cleaning in the kitchen and take the materials that have been in order. Might be enough today, see you tomorrow. 

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Daily Activity OJT Gammara Hotel Makassar

Assalamualaikum wr wb       Saya tidak cukup 6 bulan training, saya training 5 bulan lebih. sebenarnya saya ingin mengahbiskan masa saya...