Minggu, 26 Agustus 2018

Daily Aktivity Version English

Assalamualaikum wr wb

      Hello guys, this is my second day of practice in the hotel kitchen Gammara. Today I got lunch together my friend Agus and topik. I went to 11.00 pm. Gammara hours I leave for using my own motor vehicle together with my friends. Following up on our direct hotel absent thereafter continued on the second floor in room kitchen. We are heading to the office then keep bags and preparing to wear an apron and other amenities. Once everything is ready to go directly to our section determined yesterday.

       After that we immediately prepare for a coffee break briefly in the afternoon. After prepare ready we cleared our work area. Then go down to the cafeteria to eat at once break. After that I asked permission to the hotel's senior for permission to make the videos create a LSP. And thank God we are given permission. We immediately prepare basic material for aggravating the cutting of Vegetable. And looking for the right location. We chose in section bangkuet because there is no activity.

        Once ready we started our video, make interconnected turns and also help each other make the video. After the video is finished we proceed to make basic video of stock we make white chicken stock. We took turns to each other and help each other. After the basic stock of finished we proceed to make basic of Sauce. I made the Sauce becamel. First I make a roux or thickener afterwards so I added fresh milk. I think it is enough for today. And tomorrow I'm off because Eid Al-adha. Thanks

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Daily Activity OJT Gammara Hotel Makassar

Assalamualaikum wr wb       Saya tidak cukup 6 bulan training, saya training 5 bulan lebih. sebenarnya saya ingin mengahbiskan masa saya...