Senin, 05 Februari 2018

Assalamu laikum Wr.Wb.

   Well today i'm telling aktivitas i'm the kitchen poltekpar. today is day first i'm in the kitchen, to semester 2. today the no busy but permanent praktik. wich in for sir syahrial and senior kak ayyub and kak rhia. as usual before the activity in star we in give it away command online in cool kitchen. after we onlien all. any material in oven by senior. senior a litte indroculself bcause today is the the first day also logged in kitchen for semester 4 after finish ser syahrial in and give materi what that in praktik today, and too a little give we motovation.

    Today the ser syahrial gives the task of making SoftRoll, with the group that has been specified. other than that today is also the day of preparacion. for Breakpast material tomorrow. before we have been in for the group, my own group 7 and my friend there is a revelation, natasya, irawati. after we understand from ser syahrial we immediately do what is conveyed by pak syahrial and in assist also by senior brother who incas. but before doing the task pak syahrial, senior brother told us to keep the cleanliness of our work area and also appliances that have been in use directly in the washing.


After we understand from what is conveyed by pak syahrial & senior who incas. we also directly move our group 7 divide for the task, I can the task of preparing softroll making tools. after that we were dowing. we also alternate dowing. after so softroll so, we got a new task to make croakant and danish prepacation. my group is on the point of making danish. day we just make dough bsok we just live baking. and we are ordered to come tomorrow at 07.00 am. because our material tomorrow is breakpast.

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