Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Daily Actifity

Hello guys!

    Well today I will tell you about my passion at Lab Kitchen Poltekpar. Today is masi in the week practice breakpast material. Well the same day One line at 7:00 am, so I leave from the hostel at 6:30 am. After I arrived at the campus I immediately use groming kitchen. Not long ago we were in order One line from seniors, we were in the past and checked the groming and equipment. After that we were all direct One line at Cool Kitchen and immediately pray before starting the materials and practices led by Sally.

    Well, after that the senior also gave a little shadow what to do today. and soon Mr. Syahrial came and gave material and also divided the group and assigned tasks to each group. Today we Breakpast English, there are in order Juice handles, muffins and other preparations for Indonesia Breakpast for tomorrow. Once in for us just do our respective tasks. Our group got the job of making English Muffin. we divided my assignment to get the task of preparing equipment and other prepare material from English Muffin.

    After the tools and materials available we were immediately dowing make English Muffin. When we finished we were making the muffins. While waiting for the muffin to cook. We are all looking for work, I help other groups to prepare Indonesia Breakpast. I helped make Tomato sauce. Every now and then we go check the muffins that are in bake, after 30 minutes our muffins are ripe and we immediately lift from the oven. After that I took the plate and straight plating. And megabadikan via camera my phone. after all we finished the rest after it entered and in continue degan riview. After that we GC and go home.

" Ingredients "

" How to make "

" Results "

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Daily Activity OJT Gammara Hotel Makassar

Assalamualaikum wr wb       Saya tidak cukup 6 bulan training, saya training 5 bulan lebih. sebenarnya saya ingin mengahbiskan masa saya...